"The opening word balloon is a gut-punch- it's brutally honest, and it caught my interest immediately. I think it will do the same for other readers too, especially anyone who can relate to those experiences."
-David Lillie, Co-Writer and Artist of Dreamkeepers.
Learn more about Dreamkeepers at www.dreamkeepers.comic.com!
Written and Illustrated by Patrick Hardin
Binary is a webcomic created for my Master's Degree at UWT. The goal with this comic is to create a counter-narrative to traditional depictions of veterans within mainstream dominant culture - depictions that paint veterans as unstable, violent, and out of control. I hope that through reading this comic you have fun but more importantly that you become more awake and aware about the issues that concern veterans. Our numbers will only continue to grow as war continues on. We need your compassion, understanding, and respect.
A Trip to the Museum of Humanity
Written and Illustrated by Patrick Hardin
This comic series was originally created a few years ago for one of Beverly Naidus' art classes titled Eco Art. The idea behind this was to make fun of the absurdity of our capitalist, consumerist society and all of it's waste and inherrent stupidity. I used anthro-raccoons because I remember watching a documentary on the History Channel where a scientist stated that he was betting on raccoons to take over once humanity goes extinct due to their intelligence and dexterity. I think raccoons are hilarious creatures between the eating of garbage and their little theif masks so...that's essentially why I used them.
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